Guilty Addictions Election Day 2018
The dogs are hiding under the bed and I’m pacing the house trying to keep busy sweeping the floor and doing the dishes listening to Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.” vinyl on the record player. Must be Election Day!
The nerves of the day/night are larger than I would’ve thought. I would like to say these CNN early-exit polls indicating that “2/3’s of voters say vote is about Trump” is promising data. I want to believe that means the iffy people who don’t vote every election, especially midterms, or new registered voters are so pissed off at Trump and his America that they got off their asses to make a positive difference.
First polls close in about 30 minutes as I’m typing this, the time is 4:30 central time here in the Ozarks. My first elections I did enjoy standing in line and voting on actual Election Day, but the last few times I have been early voting. I performed my civic duty last Thursday afternoon, the first day of November (so I was still voting in Election Month at least) and I went right in and went through the process in a few minutes as I already researched every candidate and issue to be found on my ballot.
I would say I didn’t get a feel of what direction the night is taking like standing in line today would have done, but in the past everyone just keeps quiet and waits their turn. I would imagine today could be the same; however, the air of importance for a midterm election year would be magnified this time around. Fellow GA writer Matt already said he is eating and drinking tons of liquor with his wife watching the coverage; I imagine Chad and Drock will be doing the same once they leave work. That’s a great way to get through the day and I hope to be doing some of the same soon. 21 minutes until the first polls close.
What happened to Election Day
Two weeks since Election Day. Hell I’m drunk I think; I don’t know. It’s become cold in the Ozarks, leaves bitten by the chill of an early fall as George Strait so well crooned. Football season has had it’s ups and downs. You who have read my previous posts know I’m an Arkansas Razorback sports fan. I’m an alumni from the University there in Fayetteville and take their athletic contests way too far. The football season has sucked and I can move on to a more national approach.
The gridiron has given us very solid Saturdays in college as well as I believe the NFL has had an exciting season thanks to the likes of the prolific scorers of the New Orleans Saints, Kansas City Chiefs, and the Los Angeles Rams. The Patriots and Steelers are still good as well and the playoffs in about a month or so look to be compelling. The Velvet Underground’s album “Velvet Underground and Nico” from 1967 is in the background and it’s something else I’d recommend if you’re in that mood for the Summer of Love that produced so much amazing music. There are a couple of weird ones on that album although it’s fantastic for the most part. Me and Chad have had a Razorback sports podcast this year, a reason for the lessening number of blog posts. Hell I think I pissed everyone off.
What Happened to What Happened to Election Day?
Here we found ourselves again: A failed attempt to write a blog post that I started over a month ago. Is my attention span that low? No, that’s not a valid excuse for me its just good ol’ fashioned procrastination. The question is,"will finish this one!" I’m listening to some Porter Wagoner as well as some of his duets with Dolly Parton it's good stuff and better than all the Christmas music it’s hard to escape from.
It’s Friday and I don’t have to be at work until Wednesday morning. The holiday season is busy in my line of work and I’m behind on my newspaper reading and behind on the news. Locally in Arkansas the big talk is about Trump’s tariffs with China’s devastating impact on the farmers in the Delta. I’m from a family that’s had farms in Woodruff County that included soybeans as the big crop of course and farmers in Gregory, Augusta, Cotton Plant etc. are hurting because of it.
Trump has also declared victory over ISIS and is pulling out of Syria; I won’t pretend to be an expert in military affairs, but I do know that the only person besides Trump that is for this move would be Putin in Russia. You can’t make this shit up. Oh yeah the “Art of the Deal” expert is also having trouble 1.) Getting Mexico to pay for his wall and 2.) Getting the Democrats to agree on a deal.
Who’s watching the college bowl games? I am, as I will gladly watch Tulane/Lafayette and Marshall/South Florida etc. and I currently hold a 9-2 pick’em record. If watching these Group of 5 matchups is below your sports standard I’m sorry you feel that way and I cannot relate. Hell if I win out this year in these bowl games at mybookie I'll walk away with a cool four thousand. Some of these games end up being the most competitive or as anybody that watches the NFL or plays fantasy football can attest there’s a lot of stud future pro’s that have huge, breakout games. The 40 plus yarder that Tyree Brady caught for Marshall in the rain soaked victory last night was sweet and that’s one of many good plays for these guys.
Alright, this article may end up short as my house is stocked full of chocolate dipped pretzels, hershey’s kisses, cookies and my sugar buzz is almost over. I’m going to write another article soon hopefully before the New Year. You guys deserve more articles and I am looking forward to delivering that as a New Year’s resolution. Writing and fishing more but that’s it; no diet, no new workout plan just more writing and fishing. Okay and playing more guitar.
-Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year ya rat bastards!