The votes are in and the President of the United States has been charged and impeached. Now the whole matter will be brought to a partisan Senate that will throw this whole witch-hunt out. These bastards will contend that the President did nothing wrong. This dark stain on the United States of America will never be washed out.
Our values as gun toting, boot-strappers will be on display for the world to see. What a joke American Values! Maybe at one time we might have had the balls to thwart something like this. I read where a child raised enough money to payoff his friend's lunch debt at school so they all could eat. This should never happen in America! At least thats what some are saying who really aren't paying attention. Good god! Did you bastards forget we were exploiting child labor. We are not as moral as we would lead ourselves to believe.
These dumb Trump supporters won't even glance at the evidence and if they do; the version of reality they will perceive will be riddled with lies and cock-knockery. The evidence is clear and if any democrat were charged with these accusations, then admitted to them these bastards would burn them alive!
You would think the drugs would cloud one's thinking, but they were needed just to sit through this eight hours of impeachment debate all of which I can clear up right now:
Republicans, this is all a scam, there is no evidence, they wanted more witnesses and documents so they must not have made their case. Trump is being treated as though he is guilty and having to prove his innocence.
Democrats, here are the facts he even admitted to it. He is like a drug dealer putting his crimes on the internet for everyone to see.
Jesus the drugs took hold and I never finished this post. I'm back know and this crazy ass president has bombed Iran, and they bombed us back. What a time we live in; the nation is war torn as it has been in our entire history. Americans love to blow shit up, and shoot at anything that moves. It's no secret that our hedonistic endeavors are fueled by greed and the love of money.
It should come as no surprise that Trump admitted the decision to bomb Soleimani was based partly on his reelection. I wish I was lying but you can look it up. This is the same President that has been accused of violently raping a 13 year old girl with Jeff on a wild plunderous weekend. He's rich and rich people are like teflon; nothing sticks.
Hunter came to Florida and wrote about the wicked sexual escapades of the Uber rich. Clinton! Damn it! Clinton rode in Jeff's airplane! Yeah, well the difference is there are no girls accusing him of a gang rape at Mara-Largo. He's had his share of flings and all, but not rape of a little girl.
These sick perverted bastards are getting away with it. Crime after crime. Nixon can't hold a torch to the criminal in the White House now. You never know when the Wombat will run afoul.
We have our chance to put our foot down and say enough is enough, but we won't. The morals of the Republican party are nonexistent and it's just the way the rich want it. They will whip the base into a frenzy about the blacks, jews, and dead babies then steal all their money and laugh while they die from being under insured. All the while these Republicans will point to their menial jobs, and tell you how hard working they are. They will spout off about welfare recipients' laziness and proudly proclaim the merits of hard work.
Honestly, they are either racist, scared, or it's in their identity. Just like terrorist they will put on their own kind of suicide vest; only theirs will be in the form of bad policy and they will proudly proclaim it's in an effort to not become socialist. They will save every baby from the evil mothers who want to snuff them out before they are a viable life to put them in poverty and watch them die slowly.
Death to America are the echoes in the middle east and if we keep moving in the conservative direction that is what they will have. Although, we have had some tremendous successes we are burdened by our many failures.
This nation has a chance to turn the tide and do the right thing. However, if history tells us anything we will not. There are people saying that the president is innocent and did nothing wrong; even-though it was recorded and has been played back. He clearly made a deal with a foreign government to investigate a political rival. He asked Russia on TV to do the same and they did.
He called the voters stupid, and proclaimed he could do anything and they would still vote for him. These dumb shits still vote for him. Through his raciest politics locking children in cages and watching them die of the flu. It's politics as normal to the masses.
It's not hard to like a narcissist who only cares for themselves. It's not hard to pick an issue and throw all other morals out the window to meet an end. It's not hard to follow others blindly living in a bubble. It's even easier to project all these things onto others, your enemy, the vile despicable Democrats. Hell they are not even people anymore! Round them up!
While we have the ability to change and become a better America, and I believe we will. Take note of those who hate the others, these are the scum of our society; the problems and yes deplorables. They are brazen and telling you who they really are; believe them. Because the time will come when love will concur again, and Americans will try to turn the corner. At this point they will retreat and fester building their hate until it's safe to be themselves agin.
But they will never change the hate will always flow in their blood. I need a damn drink! Did I just write that? Who knows whats real and whats not, who knows what the next instant holds?